Regional Technology Institute (RTI)

The Regional Technology Institute (RTI) is a modern engineering and technological research centre at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of West Bohemia. The Centre was founded mainly thanks to financial support from the European Regional Development Fund, the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation, Priority Axis 2: ‘Regional R&D centres’.

Construction work began in 2011 and RTI went into operation on July 1, 2015. Almost 100 researchers are employed in the laboratories, test rooms and workplaces, where they have the latest experimental, software and computer technology at their disposal.

The activities of the RTI research center are now carried out in 10 laboratories and focus on six main research areas. Gradually, tasks for online monitoring of machinery and vehicles operation are being established, their digital twins are being developed, and tools of artificial intelligence and machine learning are being applied.

More information about the Regional Technology Institute can be found at .


  • Experimental Engineering Laboratory
  • Experimental Forming Laboratory
  • Experimental Machining Laboratory
  • Machining Technology Laboratory
  • Mechanical Testing Laboratory
  • Metal Additive Manufacturing Laboratory
  • Metallographic Laboratory
  • Metrology Laboratory
  • Strength and Fatigue Life Testing Laboratory
  • Virtual Prototyping Laboratory


RTI focuses on designing and testing advanced machines and equipment and research, development and optimization of engineering production technologies.

Research and development focuses on 6 main research programmes:

  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Digital Engineering
  • Material Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Rail Vehicles
  • Road Vehicles

Did you know...?

RTI has a certified quality management system for "Education, research and development in the field of mechanical engineering, including applications in industrial practice".